
High-Speed LEDs

Boxer 200W Flicker-Free LEDs with Holographic Lenses
JNH 65W High-Output LEDs with Lenses

Lite Panels
Sola 30W ENG LEDs


The Cooke Corporation
PalliteVIII 2,400W Industrial Ring Floodlight (Scalable by 600W)
PalliteVIII 2,000W Industrial Ring Floodlight (Scalable by 500W)

Lowel Pro 250W Adjustable Beam Light

Sub-Microsecnd Photography Equipment

EG&G 549 - 500 Nanosecond DSLR Exposures
(Optical, Acoustic, or Contact Triggering)

Palflash - 250 Nanosecond DSLR Exposures

SPOT - 270 Nanosecond DSLR Exposures
SPOT - 500 Nanosecond DSLR Exposures (Upon Request)
(Acoustic or Contact Triggering)

Nikon D850 DSLR (45.4MP)
Nikon D300 DSLR (12.3MP)
Canon Rebel XTi (10MP) For Multi-Angle Perspectives
Canon Rebel XT (8MP) For Multi-Angle Perspectives